πŸ“±Mobile Devices

If you want to set up Coinback in your mobile wallet, you have to do it manually. But don't worry, it's easy! Just follow the instructions below.

How to Set Up Coinback's RPC URL in MetaMask

  1. Open MetaMask App: Start by launching your MetaMask application.

  2. Accessing Network Settings:

    • Tap the network selector at the top of the screen.

    • Tap on 'Add Network'.

    • Switch to the 'Custom networks' tab.

  3. Fill in the Network Details:

  4. Confirm and Use: Review the entered details and confirm. Once added, you can use MetaMask with the Coinback RPC URL.

Tutorial on MetaMask websites - https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360043227612-How-to-add-a-custom-network-RPC

How to Set Up Coinback's RPC URL in TrustWallet

  1. Open TrustWallet App: Start by launching your TrustWallet application.

  2. Access Custom Network:

    • On the main wallet page, tap the manage assets icon (typically found in the top right corner).

    • Tap the β€˜+’ button.

    • Switch to the β€˜Network’ tab once you're on the custom Token/Network page.

  3. Enter Network Details:

  4. Complete the Setup: Once you've filled in the necessary details, your custom network, which includes Coinback, will be successfully added.

Tutorial on TrustWallet websites - https://community.trustwallet.com/t/how-to-add-a-custom-network-on-the-trust-wallet-mobile-app/626781

Note for Other Mobile Wallet Users

If you're using a mobile wallet other than TrustWallet or MetaMask, the process for setting up a custom RPC URL should be fairly similar. Always ensure to consult the official documentation or user guide provided by your respective wallet to avoid any missteps. Your security and convenience are paramount to us!

Thank you for being a part of the Coinback community!

Last updated