Holding CBK Tokens
Holding CBK tokens in your wallet now comes with significant rewards, without the necessity of staking, as it has been discontinued. Our system is designed to reward you based on the number of CBK tokens you hold, determined by a daily snapshot of your wallet. Here's a breakdown of how the reward system operates:
Daily Snapshot: At 11 AM UTC each day, we record the amount of CBK tokens each user has in their wallet.
Reward Calculation: Rewards are calculated based on the number of CBK tokens you hold relative to a maximum value of 30,000 CBKs. The number of transactions (tx) credited to you each day is proportional to your token count compared to this maximum value.
If you hold the maximum value of 30,000 CBK tokens, you receive 1 tx per day.
If you hold less, your daily tx count is proportionally less. For example, if you hold 15,000 CBK tokens (50% of the maximum), you will receive 0.5 tx per day.
Monthly Revenue Distribution: Once a month, we distribute revenue among our users.
40% of this revenue is allocated to users based on the transactions they send.
50% is distributed among users holding CBK tokens, based on their proportional transaction counts accrued over the month.
Zero Tokens, Zero Rewards: If at the time of the snapshot you hold no tokens, your transaction count from holding CBK resets to zero.
Practical Example with 1 ETH Reward:
Let's assume the total reward pool for CBK token holders is 1 ETH for a particular month:
User A holds 15,000 CBK tokens.
User B holds 30,000 CBK tokens.
The maximum value is set at 30,000 CBK tokens. The reward allocation works as follows:
User B, holding the maximum of 30,000 CBKs, receives +1 transaction (tx) count each day. Over a month (30 days), this accumulates to 30 tx.
User A, holding 15,000 CBKs (50% of the maximum), would receive a transaction count proportionally less. This means for each day, User A gets +0.5 tx, accumulating to 15 tx over a month.
When distributing 1 ETH among these users:
Total Transactions: 45 tx (30 from User B + 15 from User A).
User B's Share: User B has 30 tx out of 45. They receive 30/45 of 1 ETH, which is approximately 0.6667 ETH.
User A's Share: User A has 15 tx out of 45. They receive 15/45 of 1 ETH, which is approximately 0.3333 ETH.
This model ensures a fair and proportional distribution of rewards, encouraging the holding and active use of CBK tokens within our ecosystem.
Last updated